Monday, November 23, 2009

Well, America, this is your music...

So I was reminded that the AMA's were on last night, by a friend of mine. I proceed to run downstairs like a maniac, in hopes to see Adam Lambert's performance. I followed Adam through the entire American Idol season, through his audition and all the way to America's fail of chosing Kris Allen over him. One of my friends and I saw him on the American Idols tour and screamed out heads off. Basically, I love everything about him, from his eccentric style to the insane notes he can hit.

Anyway, I turn on the Television to find A naked appearing Lady Gaga with Christmas lights around her chest, breaking bottles on a flaming piano.

And I didn't think it could get much wierder.

Then, today, after I'd fallen asleep before Adam's performance and not gotten a chance to watch my recording, American Idol Tour Friend texts me, or me cap rapes me, informing me of Adam's scandolous performance. My first thought is psshh 'It's Adam! What else did you expect?'. Until I saw him force a dancer's head to his crotch to demonstrate a blow job and then kiss another man, very intimately, I may add. Yes, I wanted that kiss.

-End Fantasy-

Anwho, it was enthusing, and, yeah, I was frigging entertained. He wasn't lying with his pledge to entertain us, even if it was a little risque, and so bravo, bravo Mr. Lambert. You'll never stopped entertaining the crap out of me. May you continue getting blow jobs and kissing straight men, even if it's just for my entertainment.

Oh, Do you know what you got into? Can you handle what I'm bout to do? Cause it's bout to get rough for you. I'm here for your entertainment!

Couldn't resist.

That put a nice end on my school day. Which was actually not half bad. I'm off to do geometry homework and a rehersal. Enjoy if I can get the link to work! Though I doubt I will

Peace, love, rock n' roll betch!

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