Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is Anybody Out There?


(Insert witty opening line here)

So if you're reading this, for whatever reason, you may or may not know anything about me. I'm going to attempt not to directly characterize too much. Attempt is the key word in that sentence. You can love me, hate me, be completely and utterly indifferent and/or apathetic towards my existance, and I will care. Because I'm human and have that deep, scary yearning to be accepted. So go ahead, judge away!

Just so you know that you're not reading about a forty-year old man, I'll give you the basics

I'm Cirque, which should be somewhere on this page, I'm 14, just legal for blogspot. I live in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, which is...bland. It's cold and grey and decaying outside. Ew. Anyway, I'm currently in a relationship with a lovely boy who's name shall be anonymous. I shall refer to him as mon compain. My boyfriend. There are no French accents on this computer so I will try to resist butchering the language. Though it is fun to curse. Merde!

Immature, I know

Well, I'll try to post here a lot, and plan on doing a favorites post soon. Favorite food, music, dino brand all that good stuff. Dinosaurs should be cereal brands. T-Rex Toast Crunch. Yum.

Direct Characterization: I'm random. Not surprising.

Well this was an epic fail first start, but, hey, we all have to start somewhere.

Xoxo Love for Always.

By the way, I'm a violinist *ahem* Concert Mistress for the middle school orchestra - brag- so I found the heart strings title fitting.

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