Saturday, July 31, 2010

All the Pretty Girls

Sooo....I really don't want to do my summer reading packet right now. i just finished my first book and have two more to read in less than a month. Holy crap. It's cram time, btiches. The five hour train ride from Boston to NYC this summer actually sounds really helpful. I'll just sit there with my earphones shoved in my head blaring my music. Which will probably be New York City Serenade, Empire State of Mind, or Jungleland. And yes, I like the music to be a soundtrack of my life.

Tonight I'm distracting myself with Brendon Urie picspam. I've already stayed up all night goofing off with my friends mindlessly. And often we end up watching random band videos. Why? Because a video of Brendon Urie air thrusting midsong is better than feasting on more goldfish and watching Teen Mom.

If I sat here and posted all my favortie videos and pictures of him I'd be here all night. So I won't. All I know is that they're sadly not playing new stuff in China, as Zach said on LJ, but for the love of god throw us a freakin bone here! GAhhhhhh. Mother truckin long time for an album early 2011.

Deep breaths, abby, deep breaths.

I will be patient and wait for the album because it will be best for the boys and the music blah blah blah....ya they need to at least release a single...or finish the "oh glory" clip. And that does not mean add fake audio porn to the end of it! Distrubing! I won't even explain that! Random creeper fangirls doctoring song clips. Shudder. Anyway, I had to rant. Fall Out Boy isn't releasing anything in the near future hence the hiatus, Paramore's on tour and I'm missing it which pisses me off, but whatever, and All Time Low is releasing an album early 2011 too. so then I have two wives, on of which misses me and my other wife, and the other is keeping my hoodie hostage, jk take your time I don't miss it, it's hot, and has stolen my v-card.

Not that I didn't enjoy it. So basically I'm tired, insane, impatient, filled to the brim with creativity to write, but NO! I have to do summer reading. Blerg. Just
Blerg. C'mon panic, make my night here....shirtless photos will not silence fans.

Song of the Day: All the Pretty Girls by Fun.

Peace, Love, and Rock n' Roll. Btw, that picture of us was taken late at night after watching Live in Chicago continually. And I was suffering from some feverish disease. Probably brought on from the sexiness.

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