Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Every Morning I Wake Up....

I officially hate my alarm clock. It's like every morning, no, the middle of the night, at 5:35, this animal, demon, creature starts to bitch at me to wake up. I have to crawl out of my bed, stretch, and continue another day of my dead end, boring, luckless life. It's a never ending cycle, repeat, repeat, repeat.

It's seriously getting to me. I'm so tired that I nod off continuously, in a semi-concious state for at least to periods a day. Mostly social studies and geometry. An emptiness, and sheer lack of motivation just overwhelms me. Why do I have to get out of bed every morning? To spend another pointless day working. It never ends. And then, it occurs to me that for the rest of my life, it's going to be like this. Constant fatigue, and worry, and ache, and emptiness, and lifelessness. Obviously, my mood is a little sour.

Anyway, I REALLY need to write, but I've had so many other writing assignments that it's just gotten pushed back. I need Christmas break. Now. But I'm going to be sick, along with other fun ailments anyway, so it's just gonna be blah. I did buy gifts for my friends, and I hope they like them. It took awhile! Yay.


Song of the Day: Btw, this song came on shuffle the first time I put all the No Doubt stuff on my ipod on my birthday. It creeped me out.

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