Friday, March 26, 2010

Take a Bite of my Heart Tonight.

Long time no write, I know, I know. My excuse: The homework/school dino ate my face for a good three weeks.

Anyway, I just read over my old posts thanks to a certain reader of mine reminding me of how creepy I sound sometimes. I realized that I've described myself to be some creeper weird ugly fail, which is pretty much an okay description, but, yeah, I'm not like that all the time. At some points I might actually have redeeming qualities. It all depends on the person you ask, which depends on perspective.

Perspective is huge part of life. Taking a step in someone else's shoes can change entire outlook on one's life. I see it in politics, school, relationships, family ordeals, wars, hatred, conflicts of any sort. With an open mind the world is beautiful place. What I'm trying to say is that if someone else were to judge me they will probably perceive differently than I perceive myself. Lately, though, I've been off the self analysis stuff and am focusing more on more important topics.

Such as how much I like food, future plans, and dresses. I passed up a $560 Italian designer dress at Nordstrom's last week. I actually thought that I looked amazing for the first time in my life in that dress. It fit like a glove and showed everything off right. Problem: it wasn't the right fit for a daytime ceremony or dance and was a little over our budget for 8th grade graduation dresses. Obviously. But I did dress at White House Black Market and Pacsun. I'd show the gorgeously amazing WHBM dresses but their website is being a fail. And mon copain doesn't want to see my dresses yet. He wants to be surprised.

In music news, I love the new Motion City Soundtrack stuff and Neon Trees and the Temper Trap. And the new TYV(the young veins) song. But every time I listen to them there's a surge of Ryan Ross annoyance anger that overtakes me and I end up writing songs about cheating men and musicians and BLAH. It doesn't end well. If anyone has contact with the Panic boys, please inform them that we're all kinda dying for info on the new album. I don't want them to rush the process but at least update on the status of it would be nice. I'm beginning to think that Spencer and Brendon are struggling writing songs without Ryan or Jon, but I can't doubt them. Not after the epicness of the "Oh Glory" song clip. What an epic flail worthy thirty seconds.

In drama news, things are as usual. Random ass grabs/slaps in the halls, the random comments out of nowhere, staring. Creepers as always. I'm glad that my friends are beginning to get first boyfriends and kisses and hugs. Their happiness is lovely. Everyone is starting to find a little bit of peace and confidence I hope. They all deserve it. That entire last passage sounded like kittens and fairies and sugar, but in retrospect, all is well.

LAX game for thy brother tomorrow early(my dad's the boy's lacrosse president for our district so we have to go to all the games) Joy.

Song of the Day: I love these lyrics. Not the song of my life atm, but just right.
Peace, Love, and Rock n' Roll

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